Friday, 24 September 2010


The Grossglockner High Alpine Road (in German Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße) is a panoramic road in Austria, in the state of Salzburg. It connects the state of Salzburg with the state of Carinthia. It is named after the Großglockner, Austria's highest mountain.It leads with numbered hairpin curves to the Kaiser Franz Josefs Höhe Visitors' Centre, with a panoramic view of the Pasterze Glacier and the Großglockner itself. The road is a toll road, with toll booths at Ferleiten in the direction of Salzburg. Motorists arriving from the south from Carinthia come through Heiligenblut.

in Wikipédia

5020 Salzburg, Austria[Mapa]
Telf: +43 (0) 662 / 873 673 - 0 | E-mail:
Preco: 29 €
Horario: 06:00 - 18:00
Encerra: Novembro a Maio

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