The castle is located in the town of Fénis in Aosta Valley region, at about 13 km from the city of Aosta. The keep has a pentagonal layout, with towers at the corners. It is surrounded by a double boundary wall with battlements and by a series of watchtowers linked by a walkway.
Detail of a fresco of a Wise Man. Walls of the courtyard's balconies.Despite his impressive defensive structure, the castle is situated at the top of a small knoll and not of a promontory or another inaccessible and easily defensible place. In fact it was not built for military purposes, but to serve as a prestigious residence for the Challant family.
The inner courtyard, at the centre of the keep, shows a semi-circular stone staircase and wood balconies. At the top of the staicase a 15th century fresco features Saint George killing the dragon, while the walls of the balconies are decorated with images of sages and prophets and proverbs in ancient French. The frescoes are attributed to a painter from the school of Jaquerio.
WikipédiaFicha:Castello FénisFènis, Aosta, Itália
Preco: 5€
Horario: 9h-19h
Encerra: 25 Dezembro, 1 Janeiro
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